Save Time & Money - Get Direct Answers
We can meet through Google Meet (Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc.)
You can show me your app, walk me through how it works
Ask questions about how to do something
Get step-by-step instructions on implementing functionality
I'll literally walk you through it! (^_^)
You can record the session (or I can upon request)
How It Works
When you sign up, a Google Meet link will be included in the calendar entry created - we'll meet through that
FYI: I'm located in the Central US Timezone
Typically people will have a list of questions:
Problems they're struggling with; formula's they can't figure out; they want to understand how something works; they have functionality they'd like to add; etc.
Bring these with you, and be prepared to walk me through your app - through sharing your screen via Google Meet
We'll work our way through your list, one by one, and get things sorted
What To Bring With You
Payment Platforms Supported
Payment Strategies
Some prefer 1-for-1 invoicing; one meeting = one invoice
Time Bucket
Others prefer to prepay for a "bucket" of time; we just keep track of our meeting times, and if you want to "refill the bucket" when it gets low - you can add more time we can continue things along
However you would like to manage your payment situation, I'm flexible
Payment Details