A google alert brought this story to my attention:
The emails appear to come from the noReply@AppSheet.com address, but it's a Meta/Facebook thing.
Nothing to worry about
Just some scammers trying to convince people that their Meta/Facebook account is going to be deleted. Classic ploy to get someone to click on that button to go to some site.
Whoops! 😂 Looks like someone crossed the streams
Hey scammers... AppSheet has nothing to do with Meta! 🤣
As AppSheet becomes more and more known, the scammers and phishers 🎣 will increasingly use it.
I'm waiting for the first scam app that has actions that take you to some malicious site you shouldn't be visiting.
How many of us would click on a button to see what it does when exploring an app?
I know I probably would. 😯
I guess the lesson from this is that we should start to take carefully any random AppSheet app that we find online.
We should take special care when:
clicking any buttons, or
saving a form (which could kick the action to take you to the site).
As long as you trust the owner of the app, or you've gotten the link from a trusted source, you won't have to worry about these sorts of things. It's when you find some random app online when you're looking for a solution, these (like any random thing found on the internet) should be treated with caution. 😉
Just thought I would point this out. Happy apping!